We provide quality farm fresh meat products at competitive prices.
Charlesford has built its reputation on the values of professionalism, uncompromising ethics and consistent quality. Our cattle herds are free grazing in our pastures and we pride ourselves in not using growth hormones or routine antibiotics in our piggery. We take no shortcuts in raising totally natural meat. Our animals take longer to come to market size this way but we think it is the right way to produce healthy quality meat. Meat raised the right way just tastes better.
Quality meat is our top priority – not quantity.
We are a small business focusing on bringing the best quality meat to our customers only offering our products when they are at their best. In our quest to ensure you get top quality meat we may not have all cuts available when you visit us, but there will be plenty to choose from.
Choose from our speciality hot smoked pork range for any occasion – the range caters for breakfasts, lunches or dinners – formal and casual: Streaky bacon, back bacon, ham for sandwiches, Kassler chops and gammons. We proudly offer an excellent selection of sausages and wors – all made on site from the best sourced ingredients. We truly believe in giving our customers an exceptional experience.
The farm butchery is becoming a trusted household name in Knysna, George, Plettenberg Bay and Sedgefield. We offer coffee and packets of home baked biscuits and invite you to pick your selection of greens from our herb garden. So make it a family outing, take your time shopping and enjoy the farm atmosphere.